8 World Championship points for Kevin Brumann in France

After my injury at the ADAC MX Masters race in Fürstlich-Drehna at the end of April, I was fit again in time for the world championship round in France after a month’s break from racing. Nevertheless, I still had an appointment on site with the race doctor, who gave me the go-ahead for the weekend. I was a bit nervous after having to take two World Championship races off, because the track in Saint Jean d’ Angely is really demanding. After a cautious start, I was able to improve from practice to practice, but unfortunately the conditions turned from top to absolute disaster at the weekend. But I never lost my good humour and that paid off in the end.

On Saturday afternoon, it really poured down in the qualifying race, but I was able to realise my full potential. I had no problems with the wet track, drove safely and yet aggressively. I made no mistakes and was more than happy with 12th place.

My warm-up on Sunday was okay for the start. My start in the first race was very bad, which is unfortunately not entirely new for me. I was around 25th place on lap 1, but after two or three laps I found my rhythm and was able to improve to 19th place at the finish. I had a tough battle with Monticelli at the end, but unfortunately I ran out of time.

My warm-up on Sunday was okay for the start. My start in the first race was very bad, which is unfortunately not entirely new for me. I was around 25th place on lap 1, but after two or three laps I found my rhythm and was able to improve to 19th place at the finish. I had a tough battle with Monticelli at the end, but unfortunately I ran out of time. It started to rain heavily before the second run, it was almost torrential. The water was everywhere on the track and after the start I was at the back again. But I was able to pick up my rhythm from the qualifying race straight away and coped very well with the mud. Unlike many others, I didn’t make any mistakes and I was clearly in the points at the end. I was very happy at the finish that my bike held out in the conditions. I and the whole team were super happy with 15th place, which meant 16th place overall and a season’s best performance for me. I would say that was a successful comeback and we want to build on that. Let’s go to the next race in Vellahn (ADAC Masters) and then to Teutschenthal!

Kevin # 87