Chambers battles through another muddy weekend in Maggiora

Jack Chambers (MX2)

Qualifying  20th

Race 1 16th

Race 2 33rd

Overall 20th

Championship Standings: 15th


Bobby Bruce (MX2)


Billy Askew (EMX250)


A tough weekend in yet another mud-laden circuit with Chambers leading the sole charge as teammates Bobby Bruce and Billy Askew both recover from their injuries. A slippy and one-lined circuit would prove challenging for everyone but unfortunately with a 20th position in qualifying, starts would be harder than ever. Working through in race one despite a few crashes Chambers was able to secure a 16th place by the chequered flag.

A more promising start in race two saw the number 12 advance to 15th by the 5th lap before a small technical issue would prematurely bring an end to race 2 with no points. Thankfully Jack is fit and healthy heading into the 3rd round of the British Championship this weekend where he will look to extend his lead in the MX2 class, before heading out to the back to back in Indonesia.


Jack Chambers – MX2


“I made it hard on myself this past weekend with some bad starts and coming through the pack on a very one-lined track wasn’t easy. We will continue to work on the weaknesses and improve from there. I’m bummed to DNF moto 2 with a crash due to a technical failure but am thankful to be healthy and ready to extend my lead at the 3rd round of the British Championship this weekend before heading off to Indonesia”


Steve Dixon – Team Manager


Another wet weekend, this time just Jack as Bobby is recovering from his shoulder and Billy his thumb – we were looking forward to some sun in Italy but alas the heavens opened up once again! In qualifying there were a couple of crashes, so he didn’t have the best of start positions. More rain on Saturday night left a tricky circuit -despite a few crashes on the slippery track Jack was able to finish in -16th. Race two was a bit more encouraging and was coming through the pack and through to 15th on lap 5 when a small technical issue in the bike resulted in a non-finish for Jack. with 30 races under the belt this season this is only the second issue we’ve run into.

Next up is the British championship which Jack is leading, and then 2 races in Indonesia, before coming back to another British. It’s a tough schedule this year with about one week off in 4 months!”