Five Minutes With Fletch – Cas Valk

The best part of motocross, racing EMX and his plans for 2025

This week, I catch up with the 19-year-old, two-time European, three-time Italian, and three-time Dutch Champion Cas Valk on Five Minutes With Fletch after his third overall at Hawkstone Park, which now places him with the red plate and 8 points ahead going into the penultimate round of the DirtStore British Championship.

We chat about racing motocross, EMX and whether it’s different as a hobby from a job, his plans for 2025, and whether we will see him move to MX2, along with some 2025 team news.

We talk kit and the new 2025 FXR range (which I love), and we find out if he really prefers sand over hardpack and what he thinks is the best part of motocross.

Special thanks to Cas Valk for the interview.

Photographer: Ray Archer