Max Nagl wins final round ADAC Masters in Holzgerlingen

Max Nagl has won the final round of the ADAC Masters Series in Holzgerlingen. Nagl took the overall win with a 4-1-1 in the motos. Jordi Tixier ended up second with a 1-2-8 ahead of Tom Koch 2-3-7.

Nico Greutmann clinched the ADAC Youngster Cup title, Maximilian Ernecker was crowned 125 champion and Ryan Oppliger became champion in the 85 class.

Overall Masters:

Final Championship Standings Masters:

Overall ADAC Youngster Cup Holzgerlingen:

Final Championship Standings ADAC Youngster Cup

Daguitslag ADAC 125 Holzgerlingen:

Final Championship Standings ADAC 125 Cup:

Daguitslag ADAC 85 Holzgerlingen:

Eindstand ADAC 85 Kampioenschap:

Photocredits – ADAC