Information about the VMXDN Foxhill

The promoters of VMXdN Foxhill would like to clarify the situation with regards to the reduction of races in the 2024 schedule to now be one practice to include timed practice and three races held over the two days.

The reason for the change on Saturday from 27 sessions on track in 2023 to 18 sessions in 2024 was incorrectly stated yesterday as being an ACU guideline on how long Marshals and Track Workers are allowed on the track for. This is however, not an ACU stipulation but a restriction imposed on the track by the planning regulations in place which state there can be no bikes on track after 5 pm to keep noise levels down for the local residents.

For that mistake we can only apologise.

By increasing the length of the practice and timed session on Saturday morning by two laps and also increasing each race duration by one lap the decision was made to ensure that the track time for each rider in each class is reduced by only two laps over the weekend, Thus having the minimum impact on the riders entered and keeping the event within the planning stipulations, as well as giving the Marshals time for a break.

This will also allow the track workers to keep the circuit watered, as well as any maintenance needed between races to ensure the track remains in top condition.

We thank you for your understanding. It wasn’t a decision that was taken lightly, but our priority remains as we have to comply with Planning and Health and Safety restrictions.

We look forward to welcoming you all to VMXdN Foxhill 2024